Interior design in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee


one bedroom, 5 ways


Are you in the throes of a renovation project? Need a little design help to pull it all together? Let’s chat! Book a virtual design consult here and we’ll make your vision a reality.

Do you ever just need a refresh for a room? I frequently re-arrange furniture, shop my house and switch things up. But some things stay the same and for that I’m glad. Here are 5 different ways to give a bedroom a little refresh.

  1. Change out the art. Art above the bed is often a main focal point of the room. Changing from 2 pieces to one or visa versa is a quick and inexpensive way to create new visual interest.

2. Change out the end of bed seating. I often switch stools, chairs and benches around my entire home. It tells my brain “this is new” but my pocketbook knows what’s up.

3. Change out the bedside lighting. I went from table lamps to plug in wall sconces in here and it completely changed the look and feel.

4. Change out the rug. One of my favorite ways to update a room is to add a new rug. And by new, that could be just switching your living room rug with your bedroom rug.


5. And last, but maybe one of the easiest and least expensive ways to give a little refresh is to change out pillows, bedding and/or throws. Pillows and throws are another easy, inexpensive way to feel like it’s all new but really it just moved from your living room sofa to your bedroom.

Want a little help refreshing your own space? Our virtual design calls can be scheduled here in a couple easy clicks. Hope to meet you soon!

Jessica Dolan